Cosmic Cycle
Acrylic on Canvas (4 x 4 ft)


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The Story of Ramayana
Decent of Ganga
Acrylic on Canvas (3 X 5 ft)

Aranya Kand - Jataayu
Acrylic on Canvas
40" x 40"

When Ravana was taking away Sita, she yelled for help. jataayu a 'Vulture' heared her and came forward to help. He Tried to obstruct Ravana . it is believed thet he was 60,000 years old and though very strong was blind. He fought with ravana with his powerful wings, but it was only based on his sensory perception in the ears. Finally Ravana cut his wings with his sword and was sucessful in sita away to his kingdow, Lanka. jataayu helped Rama by giving him the direction in which Sita was taken.